Friday, July 16, 2010

Another Opening, Another Show

Opening night for King Stag. I haven't been able to post anything for the past week because I've been in tech week so we have rehersals from 2pm-10:30pm. I'm so excited to perfrom tonight but also quite terrifeid. We just restaged the entire opening number 2 days ago. But as our director Alex keeps saying - embrace the chaos. I wear absolutly crazy makeup this show. I have a white face with red cricle cheeks and a painted on red nose. It looks so funny.

Here - now i'll catch you up on what happened last week. Saturday: White water rafting!! That was so fun. We went down some small rapids which weren't that exciting but hanging out with everyone was a blast. We also went cliff jumping. I think almost everyone else went but I skipped out on that portion because I did it last year and did not enjoy the experince of free falling towards water. They all liked it though.

When we got back to camp we had an hour break then the Un-Talent show. (They call it the un-talent show becasue were all talented... cheesy I know) That was actually a really special night. Some of the dancers went up there and sang songs even though their not music theatre majors and some of them were amazing. There is this one boy David who usally is exclusivly a dancer but he went up there and sang and oh my god he has a beautiful voice. It was great to see people branch out and throw themselves out there like that.

Sunday: We went to the laundromat to do our lanundry since we couldnt do it on saturday becasuse of the rafting trip. As soon as we got back we had an all day rehersal. It was LONG!

Monday-Wednesday: The only classes I went to were Ensemble, Creative Writing and PM: The Series because we rehearse through out afternoon classes. Ensemble is pretty much exactly the same. We talk and do a little dance to warm up. In creative writing we're starting our one acts. I still don't have an idea as to what to write about. I need to figure that out. PM: The Series this week is... interesting. Don't get me wrong I love the story and how were putting it together but I'm concerned people wont understand it this week because it's an abstract piece. Oh wait - I never said what we did last week. Last week we did a comment on society on how people don't like to think and how we're all becoming really stupid. It sounds deep and kind of strange but it was a satire so trust me it was funny. Then later each afternoon I had rehearsal. These were so long and tedious that we would sleep on the floor of the dressing rooms on breaks. But now that tech week is over I'm not tired that much anymore and I feel energetic and ready to learn. BREAK A LEG KING STAG!

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